This is part of a small kampong (village) near Tambatuon River Lodge. The racks in the foreground contain mats or freshly processed rubber, which has been hung…

The start of the trail up the mountain was near a power station which was at about 6,800 feet. The lower trail wound through thick jungle and always went up.

When we reached the level of the clouds, the jungle air got quite cool and the fog added a mysterious appearance to everything.

Pitcher plants - There was an amazing variety of plants. We saw many types of orchids, rhododendrons, ferns, and a few pitcher plants (which eat insects).

Laban Rata - This is the overnight stop at about 11,000 feet. There is a main lodge (Laban Rata) with dormitory rooms, a restaurant, a hostel (Gunting Lagadan)…

Climbing in the predawn - We started the climb to the summit at 2:30 a.m. in order to be there before the sunrise.

Once we left the trees, the trail was marked by ropes and in quite a number of areas it was necessary to use these for climbing up, down or over the rocks.

Sunrise at the summit - Less than two dozen of the 100+ who started for the peak had made it to the top for the sunrise.